Who should use?

CARDIOvitamin® contains optimal combination of vitamins that influence reducing homocysteine in blood.

CARDIOvitamin® is especially recommended with anti aggregation therapy (Acetylsalicylic acid) that you are already using, because their combined effect provides optimal antiaggregation effect, thus preserving blood vessels from damage.3

That is why it is recommended to:

  • All persons in risk of developing heart and blood vessels conditions
  • Persons in risk of developing a stroke condition
  • In case you are using anti aggregation therapy (acetylsalicylic acid)
  • If you have history of heart disease and blood vessel disease in your family
  • If you have history of cerebrovascular disease in your family (stroke)
  • Persons with high blood pressure
  • Persons with high cholesterol level
  • With atherosclerosis patients
  • For smokers
  • In cases of heart failure, angina pectoris, coronary blood vessels clots, heart attack
  • In cases of diabetes or glucose intolerance
  • For persons with high level of homocysteine in blood
  • For all persons with folate insufficiency
  • If you are consuming large doses of coffee or alcohol
  • In case of constant exposure to stress
  • If you are more than 40 years old

CARDIOvitamin® is also recommended for persons that use medicines with diuretic effect (Henle loop diuretics), medicines that reduce stomach acidity, non-steroidal anti rheumatics (anti-inflammatory medicines and analgesics), sulfasalazine, triamterene, antiepileptic, and methotrexate. CARDIOvitamin® is recommended in cases of kidney conditions with excessive vitamin excretion.


It is known that persons that use diuretics due to high blood pressure, or to reduce edema, also excessively excrete necessary vitamins and microelements (B group vitamins, folate, vitamin C and other), which can cause higher level of homocysteine. At the same time, other medications such as those that reduce gastric acid and pain killers also influence reduction of vitamins in organism.

Researches have shown that bad diet, and with older persons also lower nutrient absorption, as well as excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol and smoking contribute to increased level of homocysteine in blood.

What is the role of homocysteine?

In Serbia, 47 persons suffers from heart attack every day, 15 of which dies. Homocysteine is an important factor for occurrence of heart vessels condition, which leads to blood vessels damage and as a consequence, to heart attack and stroke. Level of homocysteine in blood is influenced by a number of factors such as gender, age, smoking habit, usage of various medications, etc.

A four year research has been conducted at the University Bergen in Norway. 4,766 persons age 65 to 67 took part in the research. It was discovered that if the level of homocysteine is higher only for 5µmol/l, it increases the rate of disease and death outcome caused by heart attack or stroke by 50%.

At the same time, another clinical survey confirmed that by using combination contained in CARDIOvitamin® (folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12) level of homocysteine would reduce by 55%, when compared to separate consumption of each of these vitamins.

This is why CARDIOvitamin® is an ideal combination to reduce risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as blood vessels disease.

Also CARDIOvitamin® additionally improves elasticity of blood vessels, helps blood vessels regenerate and strengthens heart muscle.